Healing Testimonials

Healing Testimonials

Testimonies about Miracle Healing.
The lord helps in many ways when we pray, pray with faith and you will receive the blessings of the lord. These are personal testimonies from believers, anything is possible when you believe. Some healing include the following: in water, receiving of the Holy Spirit. The biblical manifestation of a person who is filled with the Holy Spirit is speaking in tongues, we also preach about:


  • Health Issues
  • Relationship Problems
  • Relationship Problems
  • Hardship
  • Personal Life

Healing Testimonials:

Find below some of the healing testimonials by believers:

๐—˜๐—บ๐—ฝ๐—ผ๐˜„๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ฑ ๐—ฏ๐˜† ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ ๐—›๐—ผ๐—น๐˜† ๐—ฆ๐—ฝ๐—ถ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐˜

Praise the Lord! My name is Sister Vutaieli Sorovakawalu, originally hailing from Lawaki, Nakasaleka, Kadavu, with maternal ties to Nukutubu, Rewa. As a devoted mother, I consistently sought answers to direct me through the challenges and illnesses faced by my family. It wasn't until February 2022 that I discovered the profound purpose of the Kingdom of God. In that month, I surrendered to the Lord, willingly accepting the Holy Spirit and undergoing a full immersion water baptism. The overwhelming experience of the Holy Spirit's filling brought me peace, accompanied by the manifestation of speaking in tongues, as described in Mark 16:16, Isaiah 28:11, and Acts 2:4. The journey began when my youngest daughter, Bale, confided in her teacher, Sister Isabella, a member of a Revival Fellowship church, about the challenges our family was enduring. Coping with my husband's frequent illnesses added an extra level of stress as I fulfilled both maternal and paternal roles. Despite the hardships, I am immensely grateful that my dear husband chose to embrace God's kingdom in 2022, undergoing full immersion baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit, as emphasized in John 3:3โ€“5. Now finding myself alone since my husband's passing in late 2023, I draw strength from the Holy Spirit. With His divine assistance, I have witnessed the transformative power of God's love in my family. He serves as a pain reliever, a breaker of chains, and a way-maker. I feel the comforting presence of the Holy Spirit, lightening my burdens. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, I boldly share the good news of being Born Again of Water and the Holy Spirit within my family and among relatives as stated in the book of Acts 1:8. Through this experience, I've gained the ability to interpret the profound meanings fixed in God's word, guiding me to live a life aligned with His ways, rather than succumbing to the desires of the flesh. This spiritual journey has unquestionably changed me, ushering in a new chapter in my life. In closing, I offer blessings to everyone, and my sincere prayer is that the Lord sustains my unwavering commitment in His kingdom throughout eternity. May His grace persistently shield us, and I encourage non-believers reading this testimony to consider experiencing the transformative process of being 'born again.' Amen.

๐—š๐—ผ๐—ฑ ๐—ถ๐˜€ ๐—ฅ๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—ฑ๐˜† ๐˜๐—ผ ๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ฎ๐—น ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐˜€๐˜‚๐—ฝ๐—ฝ๐—ผ๐—ฟ๐˜ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ผ๐˜€๐—ฒ ๐˜„๐—ต๐—ผ ๐—ฝ๐—น๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ฒ ๐˜๐—ต๐—ฒ๐—ถ๐—ฟ ๐—ณ๐—ฎ๐—ถ๐˜๐—ต ๐—ถ๐—ป ๐—›๐—ถ๐—บ

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I express my gratitude to the Almighty for His protection and guidance, as well as to the leaders for granting me the opportunity to share my testimony of the incredible transformation brought about by the Lord and His powerful Holy Spirit in my life. My name is Sister Maria Niua, originally from Tunuloa, Saqani, Cakaudrove in the Northern part of Fiji, with maternal connections to Verata, Tailevu. A mother of five, I am currently attending Tunuloa Sub Center. On the 25th of July, 1993, I experienced a spiritual awakening, marked by the signs of speaking in tongues, in accordance with biblical references such as Acts 2:4, and Isaiah 28 :11-12, and other supporting verses. On that significant day, I humbly submitted myself to water baptism, fulfilling God's word in my life, bringing about a profound sense of peace and joy, signaling the departure of my old worldly life and the initiation of a new journey with God's spirit Despite being raised in a church unfamiliar with the Bible, I now consider myself fortunate that God chose me and revealed the truth, allowing me to be a member of His kingdom. Reflecting on my testimony in July 2023, during a challenging time when I suffered a mild stroke, I found myself admitted to the ICU at Savusavu Hospital and later transferred to the women's ward. A pastor in the Revival Fellowship from our area visited, prayed for me, and in that moment, I felt God's love and the wonderful gifts bestowed upon me and heal me. Despite the uncertainty, I never wavered and continued to pray in tongues, confident in His enduring love. I continually praise Him for His love and compassion, enabling me to stand steadfast in these last days. To anyone reading this testimony, facing similar challenges or hardships, I encourage you to persevere and never look back. Our God is always there for us, ready to heal and support those who place their faith in Him and believed what Jesus said in John 3:3-5 โ€œYou must be born againโ€. I pray for the Lord's blessings upon this testimony and upon all who encounter it. Amen

๐—ง๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜๐—ถ๐—บ๐—ผ๐—ป๐˜† ๐—ผ๐—ณ ๐—š๐—ฟ๐—ฎ๐—ฐ๐—ฒ ๐—ฎ๐—ป๐—ฑ ๐—ฆ๐˜๐—ฟ๐—ฒ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜๐—ต

Miraculous and awe-inspiring are the words that come to mind when recounting the spiritual journey of Pastor Jotame Seli, a native of Vatoa, Lau. Filled with the Holy Spirit on the 10th of May, 1994, Pastor Seli's story is one of divine love and transformation. Before this life-altering experience, he was already familiar with the gospel and is eternally grateful for the Lordโ€™s guidance towards experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. At the time, Pastor Seli served in the Republic of Fiji Military Forces and it was then he realized the necessity of being reborn through water and spirit as a key to entering the Kingdom of God. Embracing the truth of salvation as shown in Scripture (Acts 2:38, 2:4 and John 3:3-5), he took the steps to be baptized, committing fully to the Lordโ€™s word and its manifestation in his life. Fast forward to the 18th of April, 1996, Ps Seli was deployed to the Middle East, participating in Operation Grapes of Wrath. This mission was unlike any before because he was spirit-filled by the strength of the Holy Spirit. Tragically, during a routine mission to save a young girl, an artillery missile struck, resulting in a heartbreaking loss. Yet, by some divine protection, Ps Seli emerged unscathed and showered the Lord with praise for the miracle of his safety. Another testament to God's miraculous work in his life happened on August 25, 2013. What began as an unscheduled journey accompanying a bus carrying his luggage turned into a harrowing escape from a fire. Ps Seli's quick thinking and actions saved all passengers and their belongings, affirming another miraculous act of God in his life. The harrowing experiences didn't end there. On July 17th, 2018, Ps Seli faced a severe health challenge with complications that could have led to blood cancer. Transport and hospital issues could have worsened his condition. Yet, the comfort and prayers from the Regional Pastor Centralโ€™s residence were enough for him to claim healing, avoiding the need for immediate hospital care. Ps Seli's life is a testament to the wonders and protection of the Lord. His story encourages maintaining steadfast faith, especially when faced with strife. For those reading or hearing of his testimony, let it be a reminder that faith can move mountains and that the Lord's answers come in His perfect timing.

๐—œ ๐—ณ๐—ฒ๐—น๐˜ ๐—š๐—ผ๐—ฑ’๐˜€ P๐—ฒ๐—ฟ๐˜€๐—ถ๐˜€๐˜๐—ฒ๐—ป๐˜ C๐—ฎ๐—น๐—น๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด

Praise the Lord! Warm greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our Redeemer. My name is Tevita Qomate Ritova, hailing from Labasa in the northern reaches of Vanua Levu Island in Fiji. In my early years, I wandered through life without direction, getting lost in the fog of substance abuse from the tender age of 9 to 12 sniffing benzene and smoking marijuana by the age of 15. This was my reality until the age of 29, in 2012, when I heard the transformative teaching about the requirement of being born of water and the Spirit as specified in John 3:3-5. Despite my initial doubts and struggles with addiction, a spark had been ignited within me. My faith in the existence of heaven and hell was firm, yet I had not recognized the strict and solitary path to heaven's gates. That realization began to take hold, and the allure of my addictions dwindled as I felt God's persistent calling. It led to nights filled with reflection on the profound truths shared to me. Back then, I faced a grim reality: a father of twins without my own roof, staying with my in-laws, devoid of hope. But on October 29, 2012, I resolved to seek a transformation. Led to church by a fellow brother who is a believer, I received prayer and, subsequently, the gift of the Holy Spiritโ€”I spoke in tongues as bear witness in Acts 2:4โ€”a moment that delivered the profound peace I desperately sought. Following that pivotal day, my life took a turn for the miraculous. God blessed me with a place to call home and employment to sustain my growing family. That same blessed day, my wife received baptism. With the addition of two more children, my family was complete. Twelve years on, I remain in communion with the saints. Even as I've seen many faces come and go, my prayer remains constant for new saints to go through the Born Again experience of water baptism and be spirit-filled in these challenging times.

Life-Changing Experiences

Praise the Lord. Greetings to you all in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Ni bula, Ni yadra vinaka. My name is Repeka Bulivakamatau from the Bulileka Centre in Vanua Levu in the Northern Region of the Fiji Islands. I am honored and excited to share my life testimony because of the life-changing experiences I went through when I received the Holy Spirit. The evidence through signs, wonders and healings that occurred to me just as the Lord Jesus Christ promised. The truth was revealed to me by one of my relatives, when she was spirit filled. All my relatives and friends knew what I was going through in my marriage life. Ten years of marriage was not that easy as I always go through very hard times. As we all know in marriage life the only precious gift we ever know is our children. But for me it was so painful and sad when I conceived my first baby boy he only got to live for three days. The same thing happened to my second child, a baby girl. It also took her three days to live before she died. When I was pregnant with my third child, I heard this wonderful message from the book of John 3:5 and also in Acts 2:4. I was also invited to a communion meeting where I heard the same word of God preached by the Pastor which really changed my mind. I knew from that moment that that this was what I searching for. I received the Holy Spirit on the 16th May 2004 with the bible evidence of speaking in tongues as promised in Isaiah 28:11-12. I was also baptized fully immersed in water to fulfil Godโ€™s word in my life. I could not explain the peace and joy that I felt within me. On that day, tears rolling down my face, I experienced rest and refreshing in my life. I knew I had found something that I had been searching for a long time. A Miracle also happened after I gave my life to Jesus, with the painful experience of the death of my first and second child I was able to give birth to my third child. Even my doctor was surprised with what was written on my medical file and the miracle of my third child. I really praise the Lord that my daughter is in high school now, she is in year 12 and she is 17 years of age. She has also received the Holy Spirit and is baptized and we are both rejoicing in the Lord. Friends you may go through the same thing that happened to me, but never give up. There is a way of salvation as it is in the book of Acts 2:38 and also in Titus 3:5. I thank the Lord for his miraculous healing and his wonderful blessings. Amen.


I would like to thank the Almighty Lord for his love and his gift of the Holy Spirit that healed my body from my sickness. I would also like to thank Suva Pastor Tevita Waqabaca for the opportunity in allowing me to share my testimony to everyone.   I would like to take us back to the 30 of January 2019 in which the Lord led me to repent and to humble my heart allowing me to receive his gift of the Holy Spirit and the full immersion of water to fulfill the requirement stated in the scriptures for one to become a citizen of the Kingdom of God. From that moment I have not for a time regret the decision that I made on that day, since I have felt a positive development spiritually, for my family, work and a great improvement of my health.   Furthermore, my testimony is based from a surgery that I received back in 2012 as a result of a ruptured tumor in my intestine. In trying to control the internal bleeding from the tumor, the doctors operated on me and decide to remove 40% of my intestine as a method to stop the internal bleeding but in the other hand, change my eating behavior. These were a set of instructions given to me by my doctor in which I need to comply with to avoid further health complications and side effects such as vomiting, drop in blood sugar, drowsiness and at a times, unconsciousness. Before being spirit filled, I had to wait for an hour after eating, for any liquid intake or to lie down, but this all changed on that very night I was sprit filled and baptized, as straight after being baptized at Laucala Bay, I returned to the house meeting venue at Tacirua and was offered a bowl of rourou, vudi dessert and then a cup of drau ni moli.   I was cautioned by my body and it has gone against the doctorโ€™s advice, so after consuming all those food, I waited to feel any negative symptoms to arise but I not feel anything on that night. The regular stomach pains and cramps that used to land me at the hospital were no more. As a born again person and gifted with the Holy Spirit and gift of tongues ,I believe in it to be the remedy for any health complication that I usually come across. So I remove all medicines as I have no need or use for them f. I look much healthier than before and my weight improved and I can carry on with my work as usual.   I continue to thank God for all good things that I have felt and witnessed in every aspect of my life. I humbly ask the Lord to for his daily guidance so that I may continue to live according to his will and I pray that God will bless my testimony and also bless you all.   Amen

Sereana Nakauta

Praise the Lord to all readers!!!!!!!   My name is Sister Sereana Nakauta. I am a member of the Caubati House meeting and attend the Suva Center, Fiji. I am 43 years old and married with 5 children. I lost one child to illness within the year of her birth. My husband is a teacher by profession and a God โ€“fearing man.   I am honored and excited to share my lifeโ€™s testimony because of the life changing experiences I went through when I received the Holy Spirit. The evidence through signs, wonders and healings that occurred to me just as the Lord Jesus Christ promised was different from my past religious experiences. This story is worth telling and could be true to you too if you believe just as I did.   My story   I received the Holy Spirit on the 26 of October 2018, with the Biblical evidence of speaking in tongues. The promise in Isaiah 28:12 is true as I felt peace within me and I was refreshed instantly. I could not explain the peace and joy that I felt within me. Tears rolling down my face that day was my only response to the situation. I finally found something I had been searching for in a long time โ€“the Holy Spirit.   I was baptized on the same night at 11:30pm with all my family members to fulfil what Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3:5; โ€œExcept a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." Miracles began instantly during water baptism. Before baptism, I protested that I was too sick (stroke on the left side of the body) to be baptized. After being convinced by the elders, I agreed and emerging from the water, I felt something like hot water running from the top of my head throughout my whole body to my feet. It was unusual and unexplainable. I could move my left hand and I could feel all my senses on the left side of my body. A miracle had just happened and God had healed me.   I was a Christian all my life searching for meaning in life. I went from church to church looking for answers. I immersed myself in bible teachings and practices My husband was even ordained as a pastor in one of these churches, but we felt something missing in our lives. We were just like the family of Cornelius in Acts 10.   The truth was finally revealed to me in a mysterious way. I met this Spirit-filled woman in hospital who shared to me the gospel of salvation and also volunteered to massage my body. A young church leader who this woman arranged also confirmed to me and my Pastor husband that all we needed was the Holy Spirit.   The message was different but simple. It was a new message. The Kingdom of God and how to enter into it as stated in John 3: 3-5, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:4, Acts, 10, Acts 19: 1-2 and Titus 3:5. There was a bit of hesitation on our part as some family members opposed the idea. But the Lord persisted and the rest is history. Despite my doubts and objections, I was finally prayed upon by elders through the laying of hands and was filled with the Holy Ghost evidenced by speaking in other tongues.   From that day until today, changes have happened daily as the Holy Spirit began His work to transform me to be a Kingdom citizen fulfilling Galatians 5:22 -23. My old life was fading away and new things are happening in my life today (2 Corinthians 5:17)   God had answered our prayers by allowing that sickness in my body to enable us to receive the answer to our prayers. And that is to be Spirit filled, be baptized to enter into the Kingdom of God and live a life led by the Holy Spirit fulfilling John 4:24: โ€œGod is Spirit and those who worship him must worship him in Spirit and in truthโ€.   My challenge to You   Friends, you may be saying, โ€œI am going through the same thingโ€. Do not be disheartened. There is a way out. Acts 1:8 โ€œsays that you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon youโ€. Without the Holy Spirit you cannot solve those problems because you do not have the power. You may be going to church but you are not Spirit- filled. I was like you but I found the Way. So I am challenging you today to make the right decision and desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit and go through water baptism for the healing to your body and salvation to your soul. (Titus 3:5)   Thank you for reading and making the right decision today.

Veitalina Vuinadi

Praise the Lord   My name is Veitalina Vuinadi of Tamavua House meeting, Suva, Fiji.   I received the Holy Spirit on 18/3/03 and was baptized by full immersion two weeks later. My first miracle happened the day I was Spirit-filled when I spoke in tongues, something I could not possibly imagine to happen to me. It did and the promises of God in Acts 2:38 came true for me that day.   My experience with God was peculiar because I realized that despite my years attending church, the Spirit-filled experience was different. I felt peace and content with my life now compared to the years past.   God has done a lot for me. He saved my broken marriage. He blessed my children so much with opportunities I only dreamt of. Late last year, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was able to go through treatment and quickly recovered through the power of God. Now, I am cancer free. Despite going through hardships and struggles, I now had the strength to move on forward through the Holy Spirit.   Being in the kingdom of God is unique because I got to enjoy all of Godโ€™s promises now as He gives me peace and comfort. Now, I have a reason to look forward to another day because God guarantees that He will never leave me nor forsake me.   To you my friend out there, there is no other way to the kingdom of God. All you have to do is repent (genuine repentance attracts the Holy Ghost), Be baptized and Receive the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in tongues.   God Bless.

Miraculously Healing

My name is Sister Maritina Colati and I attend the Revival Fellowship Nakasi / Davuilevu Center, which is about 9 miles from Suva, the capital city of Fiji.I work as a nurse and has served both in the rural and urban communities. In 1997, I was filled with the Holy Spirit, with the bible evidence of speaking in tongues and was baptized with water in 1998 to fulfill the word of God in my life. Both these two steps are required under John 3:3 โ€“ 5 for anyone to enter the Kingdom of God. In 2010 I was diagnosed with thyroid papillary cancer. I had to go through two surgical operations in which both my thyroid glands were removed. After the second operation, I could sense fear that I could lose the battle over the disease. This made it hard for me to breathe. I almost lost consciousness and was having shortness of breath. But the moment I started speaking in tongues, the fear and apprehensions were gone. At once, a nurse was called to check my condition and she gave me oxygen to settle my breath. Despite, my breathing returning to normal, I could feel that there was something still stuck in my throat. I thought that blood clots were in it. My husband continued to encourage me and told me not to lose faith but we continued to pray in tongues. As we prayed in tongues, I was completely relieved and miraculously healed. I am now declared cancer free, thanks to God for the Holy Spirit and His divine blood. My recovery is complete and I am back at work. There is no way this could have happened without a supernatural intervention in my life. I was convinced that whatever we go through in life, whether it is big or small, his love never fails when we seek him.Friends, you could be in a situation like me. There is a way out! โ€œRepent for the forgiveness of your sins and receive the Holy Spirit as a giftโ€ (Acts 2:38) I thank my good Lord for his miraculous healing and wonderful blessings upon me. Amen.

Simione Bikai Waqanisau

 My name is Brother Simione Bikai Waqanisau. I hail from Mokoisa village in the province of Kadavu. I attend the Nakasi/Davuilevu Revival Fellowship Center. It is a privilege and honor to testify what the good Lord has done for me and my family. I was brought up in a strict and adamant Methodist background, rooted by its principles and teachings. However, after 33 years of being a devoted and committed to a major Christian denomination, I remembered asking the Lord if I had the Holy Spirit in me or not. Not very long after that, I was approached by a very dear friend who came just to tell me about John 3:5. He met me on many occasions to enlighten me with more scriptures. On Sunday morning May 26th, 2019, when I was ready for church, a sudden feeling overtook me not to attend the service with no obvious reason at all. At the same time, to my surprise, my close friend was making a courtesy call on my cell phone. < I realized immediately that morning it was Godโ€™s timing because we have been sharing on the Word for about four to five weeks. That morning I was prayed upon and was filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues as an evidence of being Spirit- filled as stated in Acts 2:4. I was also baptized, fully immersed in water soon after the church service. In light of Isaiah 28: 11-12, never have I experienced the peace and refreshing in my life before and I did not regret to this day the decision I made. I realized, it was only made easy after being fully submissive and obedient to His Word. To you my brothers and sisters out there, searching for the truth, do not be disheartened. There is a way and I found it. You can find it too for yourself! James1:22, โ€œWe must be doers of the word and not hearers onlyโ€. As I discovered, accepting Jesus Christ as my personal friend, Lord and Savior was just the beginning. To fulfill the word of God into our life, it is important to be born again with water and the Holy Spirit in order to enter Godโ€™s Kingdom (John 3:5). Thank you and God bless us all.

I was instantly Healed

Praise the Lord! My name is Sister Kalisi Lewai from the village of Maloku in the Island of Moala in the province of Lau. I attend the Revival Fellowship of Fiji Moala Center. I came to know the Lord back in 2011 when my brother shared the good news of the Kingdom of God to me on my sick bed. I believed in the word of God and they prayed for me and I was filled the Holy Spirit with the biblical evidence of speaking in tongues. (Acts 2:4) After two weeks I was baptised fully immersed in water for the remission of my sins. I became a citizen of Godโ€™s Kingdom and was healed instantly. I had been sick for 20 years from 1991 until 2011, the year I received the Holy Spirit. I had severe stomach ache and my menstruation period never stopped. It was really an embarrassment in my life. I visited many doctors in different hospitals around Fiji for the cure but nothing happened. I was prescribed different medicines and antibiotics all without effects. It got worse and worse. I tried herbal medicines but all to no avail. I even went to traditional doctors and sought their help but all I got were unfulfilled promises.   Around this time my brother started sharing to me the strange message of being filled with the Holy Spirit. I disregarded this message completely because I was being lied to many times before and it was hard to believe his message.   When my condition became worse, I had no other choice but to agree to be filled with the Holy Spirit. I spoke a strange language which I was told later that it was the evidence of being filled with the Spirit. I felt inner peace and unspeakable joy in my life.   However, I refused to be baptized thinking that being filled with the Holy Spirit was enough. I found peace in my Spirit but nothing changed in my body. Blood was still flowing and I had lost my appetite. Making matters worse was that I stopped visiting the toilet to relieve myself.   After two weeks of receiving the Holy Spirit, I then agreed to be baptised because I had no other option as my health was deteriorating. One of the leaders took me to church and I was worried and embarrassed when I entered the church because blood discharges were visible on my clothes. After the service, I then realized that the blood had stopped. I was baptized soon after the service was over. Blood discharges from my body was finally over. It was a miracle. I felt for food and regained my appetite. My life is as normal as it can be from then till now. This terrible disease I carried for 20 odd years is gone.   Hallelujah and glory be to God, I was healed. It was a miraculous work of God.   You may be facing the same problem or you may know others who are suffering. There is a Way available! Acts 2:38, โ€œRepent and be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spiritโ€. Try it! You will never know unless you try.   God Bless!

Eroni Matai

Praise the Lord.   My name is Eroni Matai from the Kubulau Sub-center in Vanua Levu, which is the Northern Region of the Fiji Islands.   I received the Holy Spirit on the 22 of February, 2005 with the bible evidence of speaking in other tongues and was also baptized by full immersion in water for the remission of my sins. I consider speaking in tongues my first miracle because it was impossible for it to happen as it did to me without Godโ€™s approval.   I was raised in a religious environment and was quite comfortable in it. However, when my wife was miraculously healed from cancer when she received the Holy Spirit, I decided to check it out for myself. The changes that were happening to my wife were above and beyond anything my previous religious experience would have offered.   It is really a different experience altogether when I received the Holy Spirit firsthand as well. Peace and joy are now part of my life. My prayers are being answered. The blessing and provisions of God are clearly manifested in our lives. However, being convinced about this truth, I took it upon myself to take my family to my remote home district and start a fellowship there.   It is indeed a blessing to always have Godโ€™s protection all over me and my family. In 2019, my wife and I survived a major accident when the vehicle we were travelling in tumbled down a slope. Eye witnesses and passersby could not believe that anyone could have survived such accident.   Also, last year, certain unusual changes happened to my body. To make it worse, I was not aware of them. My physical health condition deteriorated to a stage where I lost control of my movements. Eventually I suffered a stroke on the left side of my body. I also lost my mind and I could not do anything without a helper on my side.   Later, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor at the back of my head. I was airlifted to Suva City for further medical care. The doctors opted for surgery and my family consented to it despite the high risks involved.   Without delay, my situation was made known to all the Revival Fellowship centers in Fiji for prayers. Thanks to Godโ€™s divine intervention, the surgery was a success. A few minutes after regaining consciousness I could move my left hands and leg. The doctor told me that his team of surgeons had considered my case as the most complicated and riskiest but somehow their work went smoothly and unhindered.   I am now completely healed and recovered because God willed it so.   Friends, you could be in a situation similar to mine or suffering from a disease longing for healing and comfort. There is a way. Itโ€™s the Kingdom Way as stated in John 3:5,โ€ Unless a man is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of Godโ€   God Bless!

Ana Waqabaca

Greetings, I am Sister Ana Waqabaca from the Revival Fellowship Suva Center, Fiji. I am 55 years old and married to Pastor Tevita Waqabaca and we have 3 daughters. I received the Holy Spirit on the 12 of August 2004, with the Bible evidence of Speaking in Tounges, and was baptized the same day by full immersion in water to fulfil Godโ€™s word in me. I felt peace within me and I could not explain the joy that touched my heart on this same day. I finally found that inner peace granted by the Holy Spirit.   Prior to that, I was brought up in the Catholic Faith. I thought my life was complete and with a hardened heart, rejected any message shared to me by Pastor Waqa about salvation and being Born Again. After fourteen years I finally humbled my heart and was ready to follow the right path to repent from my sins, be baptized in water and the Spirit and to follow Jesus as my Saviour.   Walking with the Lord and sharing his message of salvation as stated in John 3: 3-5, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:4, Acts, 10, Acts 19: 1-2 and Titus 3:5 is what I enjoy doing now. This is the best job ever and perfect times indeed as I settle into retirement to support the work of the Lord. Looking back at my life, I would really like to thank the Lord for His love and mercy, for showing me the path towards salvation, for bringing me out of where I was to where I am today. I also want to thank Him for protecting me through the good and bad times of my life and as I journey on with Him and my family.   In 2014 I suffered from a ruptured appendix and had to undergo an emergency surgery. I thank and praise the Lord for his healing provisions and for enabling me to pull through my operation. The Doctor who operated on me told me after the operation, โ€œthat it was a miracle that I pulled through because my appendix has actually burst before the operation but it did not move or cause the poison to spread in my body, if it had moved we would have lost youโ€.   I praise God for He is a miracle working God and with the Holy Spirit I will glorify His name. What a wonderful God we serve, He has been with me and my family through our darkest hours and also through our brightest days.   Praise the Lord for his healings, love and mercy.   <strong>Thank you for reading my life testimony and hope you make the right choice to follow the Lord Jesus today. God Bless You.

Lusi Matai

Praise the Lord My name is Sister Lusi Matai and I attend the Kubulau Sub Center in the Northern Region, Vanua Levu, Fiji Islands. I came to the Lord and received the Holy Spirit on 16.1.2005 evidenced by speaking in other tongues and was baptized by full immersion for the forgiveness of my sins a week later. This was very important to me because the promises of God in Acts 2:4 became real to me that day. However, that day was just the culmination of a series of events that led to my Spirit-filled experience. Prior to receiving the Holy Spirit, I had a friend who attended the Revival Fellowship in my town shared the message of salvation to me. She did this for almost a period of two years and I would pretend to listen out of respect but deep inside me, rejected her message because it contradicted my religious beliefs. Then I got sick with cancer. I was admitted and released from the hospital without any improvement. This cycle became part of my life until the doctors sent me home for the final time telling me that I should await my fate there. On my sick bed, my heart yearned for peace and comfort and wished for my friend who attended the Revival Fellowship to come visit me one more time. I had grown weak and had lost my appetite. One morning, I could hear my friendโ€™s voice around my house and thought I was dreaming. In fact, she had turned up at my home uninvited. As soon as our eyes met, I felt great relief. &nbsp;My husband was surprised when I asked him to prepare some food for me. She shared the message again to me and this time I made up my mind to go with her to her church. I received the Holy Spirit and was baptized and everything about me: my family and my health changed for the better. It is now over 16 years since my discharge from the Hospital with no hope, condemned to await death at home since there was no medical cure for the sickness cancer. I am well now and my husband and I are now starting a church in our own district. These experiences occurred to prove that God loves me and had plans for my life. He allowed my friend to share the message to me for several years. He allowed me to get sick to draw my undivided attention on Him. I could not thank Him enough for putting up with my weaknesses in order to bring me to a place of repentance and finally secure my freedom in Him. Friends, you may be in a spot of bother in your life just as it happened to me. I am a witness that there is a way in Jesus Christ. Acts 2:38โ€™ โ€œRepent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and receive the gift of the Holy Spiritโ€ God Bless!

Taniela Railala

I am Brother Taniela Railala and am originally from the village of Naceva, Cicia Island in the province of Lau, Fiji Islands. I received the Holy Spirit on the 27 of March, 2011 with biblical evidence of speaking in tongues (Acts 2:4) and was baptized by full immersion in water on the 3 of April to fulfill the word of God in my life as stated in John 3: 3 โ€“ 5. I now am a true believer in Jesus Christ due to my obedience to the process described above. (Mark 16:16). I remember the days of growing up in my village as tough for many reasons. I was told that my family was cursed. I watched as my family went through lots of mysterious and unexplained problems and was exposed to so many dangers. Sickness, unexplained deaths within the family and dropping out from school were some of the incidents that confirmed my fears that my family was indeed cursed. After I left school, I was diagnosed with a very unusual disease which caused severe head ache, loss of appetite and sleeping disorder. This lasted for a whole week and all hope was lost. At around the same time, a Revival Fellowship Youth rally was held in my village. My two younger siblings who attended both received the Holy Spirit when the church leaders laid their hands and prayed for them. I was intrigued by the amazing experience my younger siblings encountered and decided to give it a try. Despite my new experience with the Holy Spirit, I continued to face obstacles due to the cultural environment that I was in. It is common in traditional villages for elders to discourage and prevent relatives from attending new churches. There was great disappointment in my family because we had joined a new church. Even when my grandfather died, my father continued to object to my new found salvation. It took five years for my ordeal to be finally over. Opposition from my father just stopped because he allowed me to continue my spiritual journey. My mother had convinced him that I was capable of deciding for myself. I knew it was the Holy Spirit working to my favour that resulted in the changes in my situation. Everything has changed for me. The sickness and unexplained problems that tormented me disappeared and I am free. Unfortunately, some of my family members continue to suffer from these terrible sicknesses and trauma. But I am glad that God had released me from the bondage of curses that enslaved me and I am indebted to God for the peace and joy I now enjoy. Friends, my situation is not unique because you may be in a similar situation right now. You do not have to suffer because you could choose to live just as I did. Acts 2:38 states,โ€ Repent and be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit as a giftโ€. God Bless!  


We Preach About:


Is to have a complete change of mind, or to repair a wrong.


The Bible calls it the answer of a good conscience towards God.

The Holy Spirit

Speaking in tongues, a direct language to speak to God.

Speaking in Tongues

Healing and miracles will begin when you pray.