Women Ministry

The Womens’ Ministry was established to support women in the church.  With the establishment of the Women Ministry the Church recognizes the contribution that mothers and adult women to the Church through their daily involvement at home in supporting their families, and their support rendered to the Church.

The church is blessed with the support of women through their motherly love and unwavering support in various ministries in the Church. Apart from engaging women’s programmes women continue to support the church in evangelizing, follow-up work and provide support to Kids and Teens Ministry on a weekly basis.

Women’s meetings and programmes are held on a monthly basis, or whenever it is required. Programmes are mostly focused on providing spiritual support. Various Centres also provide training and seminars

The Womens’ Ministry was established to support women in the church.  With the establishment of the Women Ministry the Church recognizes the contribution that mothers and adult women to the Church through their daily involvement at home in supporting their families, and their support rendered to the Church.

The church is blessed with the support of women through their motherly love and unwavering support in various ministries in the Church. Apart from engaging women’s programmes women continue to support the church in evangelizing, follow-up work and provide support to Kids and Teens Ministry on a weekly basis.

Women’s meetings and programmes are held on a monthly basis, or whenever it is required. Programmes are mostly focused on providing spiritual support. Various Centres also provide training and seminars

For further contact:

Senior Pastor Akuila Curu

Email: akuila70@gmail.com